Friday, November 9, 2012

Mobile Web Design (JQuery Mobile Framework)

Dear all,

Especially for students who interested to learn on JQUERY MOBILE WEB FRAMEWORK... Beside JQuery Mobile, you also can use Zepto, DynamicX, Sencha, iWebKit and others framework.

First step to learn mobile web is to understand the mobile framework. Same as HTML, you also must understand the framework of HTML5 and CSS3 to start create your own mobile web.

Example: Using JQUERY mobile - Create Mobile JTMK Website

1. Download the builder - Javascript and CSS
2. Install your web server
3. Create your html file, then copy and paste snippet. (your .css and .js stored on htdocs/www, example: mjtmk folder and create a single js and css folder inside mjtmk)

Download here

htdocs/mjtmk/css - css file
htdocs/mjtmk/js - javascript file
htdocs/mjtmk - your html/php file
htdocs/mjtmk/image - your images folder

Alter your head of html file and insert the snippet below:

4.  After you insert the snippet, then start learn on HTML5 codes. For the beginner, i think this website help us a lot.

Good Luck....

Time to say goodbye to all my PUO students and beloved friends. Allah Bless all of you...

Work hard and work smart =)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Good Luck

Alhamdulillah.... Finally, it's final exam...

It's coming...

To all my F5224, FP521, FP201, F5228 and DNS3A students... I wish, "GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR FINAL EXAMINATION"... InsyaAllah, Boleh!!... Remember, success comes with action, keep moving, study hard and study smart =)

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work learning from failure.” ~ General Colin Powell

Pn Fiza

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